Joe & M7:
I will try to keep you up to date with our progress at the Flat Top as we go along: We knocked down the Bathrooms yesterday and took a load to the Landfill; however, they wouldn't take it because it was a burned product. One has to wait 2 weeks before they will take burned debris. Too bad we didn't know this ahead of time. This will delay our process, but we will continue to work on the site. We hope to knock down the storage room today if we get it cleaned up inside. We cut off the septic drain to protect it and the water line to the BR. As you may know we have temporary power back up so that the water can get to the cows. We have taken 3 loads of metal to Biltmore Iron including the golf cart remnants. There is probably one more to go.
I am really excited about keeping things moving so count me in! Just a little more face time with this computer and keyboard and then I will be out there!