Happy Thanksgiving!
As we approach one of my favorite holidays, it's easy to reflect on an amazing wedding season at the farm. We're so thankful for our clients (past and present), amazing Claxton Farm staff, and our industry partners that have made this year such a success. We're looking forward to a holiday season full of Christmas parties and the first New Year's Eve wedding at the farm! We'll (mostly) be out of the office enjoying travel and family next week, so we'll leave you with gorgeous images from October weddings in the meantime:
We wish you a joyous holiday spent with those you love!
Lindsey & Micah
P.S. Micah will be available by phone and email for any questions that may pop-up over Thanksgiving! Give her a call at 828-658-1390 or email events@claxtonfarm.net.
P.S.S The image above was taken by The Beautiful Mess at Colleen + Chris' morning wedding.
We are looking forward to that New Year's Eve wedding too!